Español 1

¡Español 1! 
 ¡Hola! Me llamo India Waller.  Yo tengo 15 anos.  Vivo en Durango CO.  Yo amo mi bicicleta montaña.  Hace sol en Durango.  Durango tiene muchas montañas. Yo amo dónde yo vivo.

 La Poesía de la Comida

Explanation of the Project/Explicación del Trabajo:
In this project we had to chose a Spanish speaking country and pick a traditional dish from that country.  Then we took that recipes and translated it in to spanish using the command words that we learned.  We also had to write an ode to our chosen dish or an ingredient in our dish.  We also learned about our country and made little information plaque about our country and cooked our dish for the exhibition.  

Oda a Arroz con Leche  
Por India Waller

Una Familia reunida alrededor de la mesa
Riendo y sonriendo con previsión
Estrépito de cuchara en vidrio
El sonido de sorbiendo

Entonces viene el olor
Unas nubes de arroz cocido
La crema dulce y canela
Flotando en los narices

Es el rey de los postres
El superficie brillante y suave
Brilla como la luz en un diamante
Nada puede comparar al vellón fresco,
refrescante, cremoso blanco budín

Una masa blanca grumosa
Moteado con café y rojo
El sabor dulce y cremoso
La especia de canela

Ode to Rice Pudding
By India Waller

A family gathered around the table
Laughing and smiling with anticipation
The clang of spoon on dish
The sound of slurping

Then comes the smell
A cloud of cooked rice,
Sweet cream and cinnamon
Floating into noses

It is the king of desserts
The shiny smooth surface
Glints like light on a diamond
Nothing can compare to the cool,
Refreshing, creamy, white fleece pudding

A white lumpy mass
Speckled with brown and red
The sweet creamy flavors
The spice of cinnamon

Arroz con Leche de Honduras
India Waller

Ingredients:                                                           Ingrediente:

1/2 cup white rice                                                1/2 taza arroz blanco
2 cups water                                                          2 tazas agua
1/2 teaspoon salt                                                 1/2 cucharilla sal
3 cinnamon sticks                                                 3 ramitas canela
1 10-ounce can evaporated milk                        1 10-onza lata leche evaporada
1 cup sugar                                                             1 taza azúcar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract                                   1 cucharilla extracto de vainilla
ground cinnamon                                                  la canela

1.       En un cazo a calor mediano, cocina el arroz, el agua, la sal, y el palito de canela por 15 minutos.
1. In a saucepan over medium heat, cook the rice, water, salt, and cinnamon sticks for 15 minutes.
2.       Añade la leche evaporada y el azúcar cuando el arroz está cocinado.
2.  Add the evaporated milk and sugar when the rice grains begin to split open.
3.       Reduce el calor a fuego lento y cocina la mezcla del arroz hasta ser cremoso.
3. Reduce the heat to low and cook the rice mixture until creamy.

4.       Quita la mezcla del arroz del calor. Quita el palito de canela y resérvalo para decoración.  Añade el extracto de vainilla y mezcla.   
4. Remove the mixture from the heat. Take out the cinnamon sticks and reserve for garnishing. Mix in the vanilla extract.
5.       Pon la mezcla del arroz en las tazas y enfría por 1 1/2 horas.
5.  Put the rice mixture into individual serving cups and chill for about 1 1/2 hours.
6.       Adorna con la canela y el palito de canela antes de servir. 
6.  Garnish with powdered cinnamon and cinnamon sticks before serving.

In this project we took the command words that we learned during class and applied them to create the recipe.  We also learned about odes and how to write them.  Specifically how Pablo Neruda wrote odes and how he wrote them about seemingly simple things.  He took these simple things and exaggerated.  He would compare a watermelon a waterfall.  As for my dish, cooking it was quite the experience.  I used different rice then the recipe said so i cooked it differently.  The hardest part about making my dish was the fact that my mother told me to quadruple the recipe. First it wouldn't fit in the pan then I added to much milk.  Then I cooked it for to long.  It was a disastrous but interesting experience.       

Arte y Lengua
               For this project we had to research an artist and study them.  Then from the things you learned about this artist you had to make an art piece of your own that was inspired by the artist of your choice.  We had to have three connection but other than that the assignment was pretty open.  To use our español speaking skill we also had to write a three paragraph artist statement in spanish.  

Declaración de la Artista
Por India Waller
Mi artista es Juan Gris.  Él hacía pinturas y esculturas.  Él nació en 1887.  Sus influencias eran Picasso y Braque.  Unas obras muy famosas de Juan Gris son Portrait of Pablo Picasso, The Open Book, y Violin and Checkerboard.   A mí me gusta Juan Gris porque a mí me gustan sus obras.  Escogí a Juan Gris porque sus obras son bonitas y únicas.  Su arte es cubista y abstracto.  Normalmente él pintaba naturaleza muerta.   A mí me encanta la obra de Juan Gris “Botellas y Cuchillo”.  A mí me encanta “Botellas y Cuchillo” porque  tiene colores complementarios y es angular.
            Para mi obra yo hice una pintura. Mi arte es inspirado por el arte de Juan Gris, específicamente su  obra, “Botellas y Cuchillo”.  Mi arte es púrpura y amarillo.   En mi arte hay dos tazas y una chuchara.  Mi obra, “Tazas y Cuchara” es abstracta y angular.  Es acentuada con una hoja de papel negra como el marco. 
            Mi obra es inspirada  por Juan Gris, específicamente su obra, “Botellas y Cuchillo”.    Una manera que él me inspiró es su uso de colores complementarios.  En “Botellas y Cuchillo” él tiene los colores azul y naranja y en mi obra tengo los colores púrpura y amarillo.  La segunda manera que él me inspiró es su estilo abstracto y sus métodos angulares.  También me inspiró por como él pintaba naturaleza muerta.                  

              I had to use the 21st century skill, independent research and learning, a lot in this project.  We had to research about our artist and their art.  I did not know a lot about art to work with so i also had to learn art terms and techniques as well.  This is a great skill to have because it allows you to acquire information outside of class.  This is very valuable because it gives you the freedom to learn what you want to learn about.  A skill like this can be used through out your life.  It can help me explore new topics.  This skill is very applicable to life in the technology age because it helps you wade through all the information on the internet to find a reliable source.      

Born Not in the USA- Nacido No en los EEUU
Mis Cuentos Infantiles 
               For this project our task was to create two children´s stories.  one about our lives in the USA and the other about the life of a kid in a foreign Spanish speaking country.  This made it so we had to learn a lot about a different culture as well as use the skills in grammar and vocabulary that we learned in class previously. I chose Guatemala as my other country.  Here is my Durango story!
Solinilla la Pepinilla
Por India Waller

Kepino el Pepino
Por India Waller

¡Escucha a una grabación de yo leyendo mi cuento infantil sobre la viva en Puerto Barrios, Guatemala!
Listen to a recording of me reading my children´s story about life in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala!

The Exhibition with Del Alma
La Exposición con Del Alma
When my Spanish teacher Becca said that we were having a exhibition to share our children´s books, my first response was dread.  I just knew there was going to be someone who spoke Spanish and would tell me all the things that were wrong with my book.  Becca soon heightened my  fear  by exclaiming that for this exhibition we would have to read our books to a group of younger kids from Del Alma who spoke Spanish as a first language.  YIKES!!!  A bunch of vicious munchkins listening to my mispronounce every other word in my eight page children´s story about pickles.  I was mortified at the prospect.  Luckily it was nothing like what I´d imagined.  The kids were cute and sweet and were just happy look and listen.  They would correct me occasionally but in a shy, polite way.  Over all it was a pretty successful exhibition. 

My Reflection About the Project
Mi Reflexión del Trabajo
            This project really showed me how hard it is to use all the skills you learn in context and all together. Its one thing to learn and take a test on a skill but a whole other to have to apply these skills all together especially when you also are bombarded by a flood of unknown vocabulary and grammar.  Writing this book increased my understanding of the skills I had already learned and taught me new skills.  Throughout the duration of  this project I laughed at my superb artistry,I stressed about the daunting task in front at me, and I gleamed with pride at my fine accomplishment.  Over all this was a successful project, although next time Becca, it might be a good idea to have us do just one book.  

Here is My Reflection on the Place and Culture
A Quí Está Mi Reflexión Lugar y Cultura

En los Estados Unidos, yo iría al Instituto Secundario de Animas en Durango, CO.  En me escuela los estudiantes aprenderían por hacer trabajos.  Comería huevos, harina de avena, y cereal para desayuno.  El Halloween, comería “maíz” dulce.  Mi familia y yo esquiaríamos en la nieve.  Montaría mi bicicleta montaña con mis amigos.  Yo amaría dónde yo vivo. 
En América Central, yo iría a la escuela en Puerto Barrios, Guatemala.  Tendría calor porque Puerto Barrios tiene un clima tropical, caliente y húmedo.  Comería unos plátanos y huevos con arroz para desayuno.  Comería tamales para almuerzo.  Pescaría con mi padre.  Mi padre tendría un barco.  Después de escuela iría a nadar en el océano.  Jugaría al fútbol con mis amigos.  Yo amaría dónde yo vivo.